Our members are from diverse professional backgrounds, including housing authorities and non-profit organization to for-profit developers and Realtors. We create opportunities, via meetings, annual conferences, and more, for members to connect, network, and create strategic partnerships and professional relationships.
TNAHC creates educational opportunities for members and communities. From our newsletter, to our emails, virtual and in-person events, and social media, we lead conversations and share real time, valuable information on affordable housing topics.
TNAHC listens to the needs and requests of our members, who bring insights from their communities, to create a unified message that we deliver to our local, regional, and state legislators, to create successful and impactful advocacy campaigns.
Mission Statement:
To connect, educate and advocate for housing opportunities for Tennesseans
The Tennessee Affordable Housing Coalition (TNAHC) is a group of individuals interested in improving the availability and quality of affordable housing in the State of Tennessee. TNAHC has three regional councils representing the Eastern, Middle and Western parts of the state.